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Greenhouse - Strain Hunters
Legal Cannabis strains, bongs, seeds, edibles & grow equipment classifieds advertising | Welcome to the Potads classifieds Legal cannabis products advertising network | Join as a seller, promoter, buyer or blogger/poster to use all the features of the site | No illegal pills or powders - No double same day posts(spamming) | Please stick to your countries/states laws | Don't forget to check your offers settings on your adverts in your dashboard to create cannabis auctions for best 3 offers feature | Go to member list | Create a profile or login
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Greenhouse - Strain Hunters

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November 17, 2018 Cannabis Seeds

Price: 12.00 Pound £

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Greenhouse - Strain Hunters

"" During their expeditions to the far reaches of the globe, the Strain Hunters; Arjan, Franco and Simon collated an extensive library of the most exotic, unusual genetics imaginable. From these genetics, Strain Hunters now have a collection of premium feminised Autoflower, Hybrids, Landraces and Regular cannabis seeds.

The Strain Hunters brand started as a series of documentaries aimed at informing the general public about the quest for the preservation of the cannabis plant in the form of particularly vulnerable landraces originating in the poorest areas of the planet. They deemed the worldwide persecution of cannabis to be uncalled for and so searched the globe for the last remaining ‘real’ landraces that were left in remote corners of the world.

 These strains, isolated for decades and sometimes for centuries, constantly inbreeding, are at the origin of all the thousands of variations that we know today in the cannabis industry. In these landraces there are hundreds, maybe thousands of unique cannabinoid profiles that have never been evaluated by the pharmaceutical industry; nevertheless they could be of enormous help in the future, when the knowledge about the medicinal properties of the cannabis plant will advance further. One of these cannabinoid profiles could be hiding the next miracle drug for the treatment of very serious diseases. The concept of Strain Hunters stems from the need to preserve nature’s gifts to man, in a quest for a better future.

 Now, the Strain Hunters sell their fantastic strains, both ones they have sourced from remote locations and their very own strains created at their headquarters, in conjunction with the Greenhouse Seed Company and the results have been tremendous.


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