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near Durban on South Africa’s Wild Coast, Transkei Cubensis Shrooms are a
potent modern strain that produces prominent body sensations and open eye
visuals, with a ballet of tracers, dancing lights and geometric shapes that increase
at higher doses.
called the SATs, the South African Transkei Cubensis shrooms provide a
light-twinkling, skin-tingling experience, whether you’re dancing during the
energetic come-up, or melting into a fit of the giggles and the resulting
cuddle puddle.
sensation-enhancing psilocybes are a great choice for smaller doses,
first-timers, or casual daytripping.
50-500 mg
dose: 0.5–1g (test out these doses before taking at work!)
Typical Recreational dose: 2–3g (a full trip dose)
Heroic dose 5-8 g (Do not try this unless you are experienced with psilocybin
and have done your research)
God does 10-28 g (Do not try this unless you are experienced with psilocybin
and have done your research)
advantage of the synergistic effects from our select blends of microdose stacks
Our stacks can replace your medicine cabinet of nootropics supplements or even
SSRI medication.
– To reduce the frequency and intensity of undesirable states caused by
conditions like Depression, Anxiety, Alcoholism, Addiction, Mood Disorders,
ADD/ADHD, PTSD, OCD, BPD among others
– To increase desirable states and outcomes, including Creativity, Energy,
Productivity, Focus. Flow States, Better Relationships, Personal Boundary
Development, Athletic Coordination, Leadership Development, and many others.
information is just for a general overview please contact us for more
information to see which is the right stack or dose for you.
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